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Capsa Susun Card Combination Order

Capsa Susun Card Combination Order

Capsa susun card combination order. Indeed, in this day and age, the internet has made the internet a lot easier for gambling fans, which is increasingly driving the online gambling activity. From here, people who still want online card games can keep playing them by joining one of the online gambling agents already available and offering attractive offers and services that will satisfy potential members in the future.

Especially now that online games of chance, for example the site address situs capsa online terpercaya, have more and more variations that can be played by members, particularly card games that were originally just a game of poker. Over time, poker has also evolved with many variations of poker packages such as Horse Poker, Razz Poker, Holdem Poker and there are a few more that were not mentioned.

Following the variations on the above types of poker, developments have started to create a new game commonly known as Capsa Susun online. This game can also be played on the smartphone if the technology is now making online applications based on Android mobile. From here the members are very dependent on the internet and also on ATM services which help to transact directly with the online gambling agent. Once registered, members can also choose the type of online card game they want to play.

When members choose the type of online Capsa Susun card game, the members must also at least know the order of combination of the online Capsa Susun game to be played. Combinations in this type of game like Royal Flush, Straight Fulsh, Full House, Four Of King, Three Of A Kind, etc. are basically exactly the same as in the previous poker game. Well, in this discussion, you are going to find out some combinations of cards in the online Capsa decking game that you can be familiar with.

Capsa Susun Card Combination Order
Satellite Young


So that you as a member understand the order of the combinations in the Capsa Susun online game, you can then listen to a small combination sequence of small and large combinations that will also lead you to victory. Perhaps those of you who have been at the poker table for a long time already know the arrangement, which will be discussed later. A reference is when an online game of chance can be used as one of the reasons when anything can come in handy to provide many very real conveniences on the internet.

The following is the order of combinations you can know:

Dragon card:

In this first sequence, the combination of the Capsa stacking game is a dragon card. The arrangement of the cards with this dragon combination also has a high value and is invincible with other card combinations. In fact, it is quite difficult to get this type of combination because the combination includes 13 cards that must belong to one member. What you should know is if a card is not included in the qualification it will not become a Dragon Card. If you want to get this Dagon card you need to have 13 full cards with combinations from Ace to K namely Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K Then expected You the victory.

Royal Flush:

This second combination of cards is the second highest combination in online poker and capsa stacking card games. Of course, if you want to get such a card arrangement you have to have the cards in the order Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 with the same symbol and suit. Obviously, when you get the above card combination, you get a jackpot, which means that the bonus value of this combination can reach ten times the initial capital of the win.

Straight Flush:

The order of this second combination after the Royal Flush if you want to make this second combination. Of course you have to have consecutive numbers even with 5 cards, for example 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 curly or with the same picture. However, the combination of this straight flush loses against the royal flush, as the second combination is the second highest combination after the dragon card.

Four of a Kind:

This third combination is an arrangement of four twin cards and one free card without having to be the same. If in this combination the pictures of these 4 cards actually have different pictures and are devoid of any card, then it is important that the cards are twins and not the picture.

Capsa Susun Card Combination Order
situs capsa

Full House (Polo):

If that one combination of cards is a combination that can be considered a win, to compete in other combinations, only 20%. If you want to make this combination you must have 3 cards of the same number and two cards of the same number. It is not necessary that the images are the same as well, as all images are free.


This middle combination is a card made up of five cards of the same suit and need not be consecutive. If you are dealt a card with the same 5 flowers, you can make this type of combination in the Capsa stacking game round.


Five cards and different flowers, but must also be in a row to be a straight combination. This combination is actually very easy to come by for players at the online Capsa stacking table.


In this combination it consists of 3 cards and 2 free cards, for example like 3-3-3-4-5. There are many more of these triple combinations that can be arranged by capsa stacking players.

2 Pairs:

While combining the last two numbers, perhaps all beginners will know how to arrange them into a combination of 2 pairs. “2 Pairs” consists of 2 pairs and 1 free ticket. Example 3-3-5-5-K or 8-8-Q-Q-K. When comparing cards, the largest pair is used first. If they are the same, the second pair is used. If it is still the same, 1 free card is compared.

1 pair:

This last combination consists of 1 pair and 3 free cards, for example J-J-8-4-6 or others. But the images don’t have to be the same to create the one pair combination. When comparing, the size of the couple is compared. If they are tied, the highest card of the 3 free cards is used, and so on.

The above were some sequences of card combinations that you can arrange when playing the online Capsa stacking game with a trusted online gambling agent. If you already understand, you can also join a trusted online gambling agent and don’t forget to always be careful when choosing an online gambling agent. Because there will be so many fake online gambling agents without a license, which is one of the most legal evidence in the world of gambling. Be careful when choosing these online gambling agents because all online gambling agents also always have great deals in the form of bonuses or so on.

So far we have met in this discussion that I explained in detail about the order of smallest to highest combination that you can understand in the online Capsa stacking game. Hopefully this article can get you wise in the capsa stacking game. Have fun playing and hopefully luck can bring success with the situs capsa online terpercaya agent you choose. / Dy

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